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Posts Tagged ‘gulf of mexico’

Photo Essay: TEDxOilSpill Expedition Team Takes to the Skies, Documents Damage to Southern Louisiana Marshlands

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

Burning Off The Surface Oil From BP's Deepwater OilSpill

The last few days have been a non-stop journey through the coastal area of New Orleans and the Southern Louisiana Marshlands for the TEDxOilSpill Expedition team. The team of photographers, videographer and writer have been exploring the land and the sky in order to understand the story of the oil crisis here in the Gulf. A couple thousand photos and multiple blog posts later, the team is gathering media coverage from a witnessing POV for the June 28th TEDxOilSpill event in Washington, DC.


In the first couple of days of the expedition, the team divided their time through Mississippi and Alabama, following the expanding oil spill coverage and documenting the communities of the Gulf Coast states that have been affected. The last few days have had a heavy focus on Louisiana, especially with the team paying close attention to the southern marshlands. Unlike the rest of the Gulf Coast beaches, these marshlands have been hit fast and hard from the unending oil spill, with devastation to the natural wildlife being particularly horrific.


Photo Essay: The TEDxOilSpill Expedition Documents Effects of Oil Spill on Communities on The Gulf Coast

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Tri-State Fisherfolk Rally in Biloxi, MIssissippi - TEDx Oil Spill Expedition

The recent Oil Spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has been on everyone’s mind and media outlets for the past month. Between horrifying photos, misleading information and many failed attempts at stopping the gushing oil well, a growing national frustration has mounted into a direct collective responsibility that something has to be done.

Seagulls gather for rest on dock posts in Dauphin Bay, Alabama - TEDx Oil Spill

A group of environmentally passionate geeks gathered together to organize a TEDxOilSpill that is scheduled to happen in Washington, DC on June 28th. This TED inspired event will bring together the powerful voices that have responded in a call to action over the various facets that amounted to our current oil crisis, including our dependency to fossil fuels, our irresponsibility to our environment and the unregulated parade that is environmental policy.


June 28, 2010
Washington, DC